Thursday, May 19, 2011

You know what makes me mad???

I hate when you are courteous enough to let someone in front of you when you are driving and they don't give you the friendly courtesy wave!

I hate people who say that Black Ops is more realistic than Modern Warfare 2. Since when has dropping a crate of dogs out of a plane been realistic?

I hate when people put a useless letter on the end of a perfectly good word and say it is because of the way they talk...for example "mines"...stop it!

What make you mad?


  1. When little kids in busses flick me off!

  2. i hate when all people talk about is black ops! sha-bam!

  3. I did not know that I say mines lol

  4. i HATE how people complain to other people online. it makes me mad that people complain to other people online... who cares??? ;)
    well... obviously i do? i guess i mean i took the time to write all this^^^^^^^ <3

  5. I hate when people complain that other people complain online. But this is a useless circle that is seriously getting us nowhere.
    I also hate it when I cannot figure out how to spell a word.
