Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Best Male and Female Sport

There is no comparison. The best of both worlds has a diamond in which you play, baseball and softball. The strategy involved in these sports are more in depth than any other sport. With aspects such as steals, signs being called from multiple locations, and what the odds are that a pitcher will throw a certain pitch on a certain count, it is like a chess match. It is truly a game of inches. If the bat hits the ball 1/2 of a inch the wrong way it is a pop out instead of a home run or a ground out instead of a base hit.

There is no rival sport for America's Favorite Pastime. What do you got? Basketball (hardly), Football (close, but no cigar), Soccer (nothing but a joke that Europe played on us...they can have it back!)

Friday, May 20, 2011


Clothes during the Rapture

Does anyone else wonder if we will be wearing clothes during the rapture? It makes me a little nerves quite frankly. I mean some of us just shouldn't be floatin' around looking like that. Do we get our new minds the moment the rapture happens or later in heaven? Cause if it doesn't happen immediately, there will be a lot of laughing on the way up!

What do you think? Oh, and be G rated please!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

You know what makes me mad???

I hate when you are courteous enough to let someone in front of you when you are driving and they don't give you the friendly courtesy wave!

I hate people who say that Black Ops is more realistic than Modern Warfare 2. Since when has dropping a crate of dogs out of a plane been realistic?

I hate when people put a useless letter on the end of a perfectly good word and say it is because of the way they talk...for example "mines"...stop it!

What make you mad?